domingo, 20 de junho de 2021

Alfabeto Grego.


Quando o alfabeto grego foi usado pela primeira vez?

A inscrição grega mais antiga que se conhece é a que está gravada num vaso de cerâmica, um jarro para vinho conhecido como Dipylon, que foi datado de cerca de 740 a.C. Os gregos adaptaram o alfabeto fenício por volta de 800 a.C. Como o alfabeto fenício tinha apenas consoantes, os gregos adaptaram algumas consoantes que não utilizavam como vogais. Foi assim que alef (álefe) se tornou alfa. A letra heth se tornou etaYod virou iota. A letra ayin passou a ser ômicron. E vav virou úpsilon.

N.T.: A inscrição é ΗΟΣΝΥΝΟΡΧΕΣΤΟΝΠΑΝΤΟΝΑΤΑΛΟΤΑΤΑΠΑΙΖΕΙΤΟΤΟΔΕΚΛ[?]ΜΙ[?]Ν, que foi traduzido como Quem de todos esses dançarinos agora toca com mais delicadeza, dele isso…

Dipylon inscription - Wikipedia
Short text written on an ancient Greek pottery vessel dated to ca. 740 BC The Dipylon inscription is a short text written on an ancient Greek pottery vessel dated to ca. 740 BC. It is famous for being the oldest (or one of the oldest) known samples of the use of the Greek alphabet . The text is scratched on a oenochoe , which was found in 1871 and is named after the location where it was found, the ancient Dipylon Cemetery, near the Dipylon Gate on the area of Kerameikos in Athens . The jug is attributed to the Late Geometrical Period (750-700 BC). It is now in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (inv. 192). The text is written in an archaic form of the Greek alphabet , with some letter shapes still resembling those of the original Phoenician alphabet . For example, the Greek letter zeta (Ζ) resembles the Phoenician letter zayin (I). The text is written from right to left, with the individual letters mirror-shaped in comparison with the modern forms. It is placed in a circle around the shoulder of the vessel. The text consists of 46 characters, of which the first 35 can easily be read as a hexametric verse in Greek . The fragmentary rest is believed to have been the beginning of the second verse of a distichon , but the exact interpretation is unclear. B. Powell has argued that the final characters may represent a garbled snippet from the middle of an abecedarium (ΚΛΜΝ) by a second hand, someone learning to write. [1] More recently, N. M. Binek has shown that the last six markings can "be viewed not as letters or as attempts to inscribe letters, but rather as decorative elements fashioned by a second inscriber in accordance with the principles of Geometric idiom," inasmuch as the segment roughly mirrors the shapes of letters 9-4 (ΧΡΟΝΥΝ). [2] The text marks the vessel as a prize in a dancing competition. It is translated as: "whoever of the dancers now dances most lightly ...", and the second line is conjectured to have said something to the effect of "... he shall get this (vessel as his prize)." ...(h)ος νῦν ὀρχεστôν πάντον ἀταλό(τατα)... ... ἀταλότατα παίζει, τô τόδε ... Transcription of Dipylon Oinochoe Inscription (Powell, 1988) The text of the inscription runs: ΗΟΣΝΥΝΟΡΧΕΣΤΟΝΠΑΝΤΟΝΑΤΑΛΟΤΑΤΑΠΑΙΖΕΙΤΟΤΟΔΕΚΛ[?]ΜΙ[?]Ν In modern scholarly editions this is sometimes transcribed as: ὸς νῦν ὀρχεστôν πάντον ἀταλότατα παίζει, τô τόδε κλμιν[...] This corresponds to the following in the later classical orthography in Greek (using the Ionian form of the Greek alphabet), with the metric feet of the hexameter indicated: ὃς νῦν | ὀρχη|στῶν πάν|των ἀτα|λώτατα | παίζει τοῦ τόδε ... Literal translation: Whoever of all these dancers now plays most delicately, of him this (sc. pot)... Nestor's cup [ edit ] It is believed that either the Dipylon inscription or the Nestor's Cup is the oldest known alphabetic Greek inscription. The Nestor Cup, which also bears a verse inscription, was found in an excavation at the ancient Greek colony of Pithekoussai on th
Foto de perfil de Marco Antonio Costa

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