domingo, 19 de dezembro de 2021

Odisseu ,Herói.


Qual foi o grande feito de Odisseu que marcou a história da mitologia grega?

Odisseu (Ulisses) é muito provavelmente um personagem fictício que representa alegoricamente a passagem dos gregos da Idade do Bronze para a Idade do Ferro; é preciso ter em mente que os épicos de Homero descrevem eventos da Idade do Bronze, embora ele tenha vivido na Idade do Ferro.

Na Ilíada (a parte da Odisseia passada na Idade do Bronze), Odisseu (Ulisses) é inventivo, perspicaz, engenhoso (em grego: πολυμήχανος), mas é arrogante e anseia pela glória.

Na Odisseia (a parte passada na Idade do Ferro), a situação se inverteu. Ele está em apuros, os deuses estão contra ele, ele é caçado (lembra da Idade das Trevas grega?), mas finalmente sobrevive triunfalmente (porque ele ainda tem a mente perspicaz) e retorna à sua glória anterior, com uma diferença; ele agora está mais humilde e paciente.

Odisseu e as sereias, uma ânfora ática datada de 470-480 a.C., imagem de Odisseu e as sereias, detalhe

Ele conseguiu derrotar os deuses... e esta foi sua grande conquista. Ele é um heroi que mostrou o seu dedo do meio aos deuses e ainda assim foi bem-sucedido, comportamento típico dos gregos no período histórico.

Em outras palavras, Odisseu é a personificação do espírito grego.

P.S.: As histórias de Dédalo e Prometeu também narram sentimentos semelhantes. Esses três mitos são a base do pensamento grego antigo, o homem contra os deuses, com a vitória do homem.

Para uma análise literária do personagem Odisseu, leia (em inglês):

Character Analysis Odysseus Odysseus is a combination of the self-made, self-assured man and the embodiment of the standards and mores of his culture. He is favored by the gods and respected and admired by the mortals. Even the wrath of Poseidon does not keep him from his homecoming. He is confident that he represents virtue even when a modern audience might not be so sure. He is also a living series of contradictions, a much more complicated character than we would expect to find in the stereotypical epic hero. We can contrast Odysseus, for example, with the great warrior Achilles in The Iliad . Achilles himself is not a two-dimensional stereotype. He has a tragic flaw, which can best be identified as hubris (an overbearing arrogance or misguided pride) as one of several distinguishing traits. But Achilles is a simpler character. According to the myth the Homeric Greeks would have known, Achilles was given a choice by the gods to live a short, glorious life full of excitement and heroism or a long, tranquil life with little recognition or fame. Achilles, of course, chose the glorious life; therefore, he achieves a kind of immortality through valor and intense, honest devotion to a cause. Odysseus, in The Odyssey, is much more complicated. He lives by his wiles as well as his courage. He is an intellectual. Often he openly evaluates a situation, demonstrating the logic he employs in making his choices. When it proves effective, Odysseus lies (even to his own family), cheats, or steals in ways that we would not expect in an epic hero. Although he is self-disciplined (refusing to eat the lotus), his curiosity is sometimes the root of his trouble (as with the Cyclops). He is willing to pay a price for knowledge; for example, he insists on hearing the Sirens' call, even though to do so, he must have himself excruciatingly strapped to the mast of his ship so that he cannot give in to the temptation. Odysseus can be merciful, as when he spares the bard Phemius, or brutal, as he seems when dealing with the dozen disloyal maidservants. He creates his own code of conduct through his adventures. He is deeper than Achilles, more contemplative, but still capable of explosive violence; he is almost certainly more interesting. It is easy to see why some critics like to call him the first "modern man." Victory motivates Odysseus. He wants to return home and live well in Ithaca; as a result, every step along the way is another test, sometimes, another battle. His concern with victory is also cultural, as well as practical. In Homer's world, where there are no police or justice systems, might usually makes right. The strong prevail. Odysseus often has only two choices: death or victory. Even when Athena intervenes on his behalf, she often leaves ultimate success or failure up to Odysseus. During the battle with the suitors, for example, she could easily and quickly prevail; but she makes Odysseus earn the victory. Appropriately, Odysseus' development as a charact

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