quinta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2020

Egyptian Literature.

.History of Literature follows Civilization.


Egypt,didatic.Texts,Hyms,Prayers,Prophecies,Religious,Graffiti on sacred temple .

4 Millenium  BC,Pre Dinastic period starts.

26-22 Century BC -Old kingdom-Funerary Texts,Hymns,Poems.

21-17 Century BC-Midlle Kingdom -Narratives,scribes,intelectual class.

16-11 Century BC -New Kingdom-Spoken language,popular,ficcional tales.EX."Story of Sinuhe.

The eloquent peasent instructions of Amenenhait.Tale of the doomed prince.Tale of two Brothers.The loyalist teacher.Report of Wenemum.Taking of Joppa."

Obs.The Tale Sinuhe was written in XX Century by a Finland Writer Mikka Waltari\1946;"The Egipcian".Later,was adapted to movie with the same name \1965,director Michael Curtis.From the new Kingdom too,an important religious opus.

"The Book of Dead",around 1850 BC.or Book emerging form into the light .

Egyptian funeray texts ,collection of magic spells to assis dead in journey afterlife.Until Osires Judgment.Hierogliphic or Hieratic Language.

4 Century BC-Ptolomaic Period-Many kind of texts ,including Prophets Texts.

.Egyptian Literature ends with Roman Conquer.

Sources-Papyrus,Ceramic ostracom (Pottery),Writing boards,monuments stories,tombs.

Media-Hieroglyphic-Sacred Write,in Greek ,Words of Gods.

Hieratic Simplified,cursive form of Hieroglyph.

Demotic-Revised version of Greek Alphabet.

.Functions-Social Educational and religious.


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